Industry Updates

Top New Laws and Regs Affecting Businesses – January 2020 RISK REPORT

The new decade is starting off with a tsunami of new laws and regulations that will affect California businesses. Companies operating in California will have to be prepared for significant changes or open themselves up to potential litigation, fines, and other risks. Here’s what you need to know coming into the new year: 1. AB 5 The controversial AB 5 creates a …

New Bill affects Large Group Health Care Service Plan Contracts – In effect July 1st 2020

This new bill, commencing July 1, 2020, would expand those requirements to apply to large group health care service plan contracts and health insurance policies and would impose additional rate filing requirements on large group contracts and policies. On and after July 1, 2020, the bill would require a plan or insurer to disclose with …

For nonprofits: trends in insurance buying – challenges and opportunities

One of our providers, Philadelphia Insurance Companies, conducted a new research study to examine how nonprofits purchase insurance and their primary challenges. A large number of nonprofits participated in the study, in fact almost 200. Here are some of the key findings of the report: Insurance providers are evaluated through referrals, talking to peers, and face-to-face …

Transitioning your Executive Director? But how to make it a smooth transition?

Never is it easy to transition Executive Director but you may be interested in reading the story of one E.D. and their transition. We enjoyed this story so much that we wanted to share it with you. Some of the thoughts mentioned in the article included: The critical elements to a successful E.D. transition include …

CAL/OSHA REPORTING – New Law Changes When Injuries Must Be Reported

Gov.  Gavin Newsom has signed a measure into law that will greatly expand when employers are required to report workplace injuries to Cal/OSHA. The new law, AB 1805, broadens the scope of what will be classified as a serious illness or injury which regulations require employers to report to Cal/OSHA “immediately.” As of yet there is no effective date for this new …

Workers’ Compensation – Bureau Recommends Further Rate Cut

Worker’s Comp Insurance rates will likely continue sliding in 2020 after California’s rating agency submitted its recommendation that the state insurance commissioner reduces the average benchmark rates by 5.4%. If the recommendation is approved, it will be the rate ninth consecutive decrease since 2015 (some years had two decreases), which has resulted in the average benchmark rate for all class codes falling a combined …

Workers’ Comp – New Experience Rating, Physical Audit Levels Set

Starting in 2020,  the threshold for California employers to be  eligible for experience rating (X-Mod) has been reduced by order of the state insurance commissioner.  Commissioner Ricardo Lara in September approved the recommendations by the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau to lower thresholds for determining eligibility for experience rating and when a carrier needs to perform a physical audit of …

Business Interruption Now Part of Cyber Policies – Coverage changes

As the full threat of hacking and cyber attacks takes old, cyber insurance policies are evolving so that the primary focus is on business interruption coverage. When these policies first hit the market, they were mostly focused on covering the costs of notifying individuals whose personal data or credit card information may have been exposed, and of any regulatory penalties and other …