Two New Types Of HRAs Expand Health Reimbursement Arrangements
May not be aware that on October 12, 2017, President Trump issued an Executive Order promoting Healthcare Choice and Competition.
May not be aware that on October 12, 2017, President Trump issued an Executive Order promoting Healthcare Choice and Competition.
While large companies are usually well-prepared for a crisis should one occur, most small and mid-sized firms don’t have the resources or have not put much thought into how they would handle a crisis.
As CYBER scams and hacker attacks grow, the insurance industry has been frantically trying to keep up in providing appropriate coverage for these events. Hacks, viruses, ransomware and exposure of sensitive personal information of your customers or employees, and any resulting regulatory implications, are often covered by cyber liability insurance.
CAL/OSHA is developing rules that would require employers of outdoor workers to provide respiratory equipment when air quality is affected by wildfires. Smoke from wildfires can travel hundreds of miles and while an area may not be in danger of the wildfire, the smoke can be thick and dangerous, reaching unhealthy levels. Many employers want …
Continue reading “Cal/OSHA – Rulemaking Protecting Outdoor Workers from Wildfire Smoke”
If you have not yet started on your efforts to provide antisexual harassment training to your California employees, you need to get working on it now. Law passed last year puts the onus on most employers in the state to provide anti-sexual harassment training to their staff every two years. Starting this year, employers with five …
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The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California will recommend dual-wage threshold changes to a number of construction classifications for the 2020 workers’ compensation policy year. The Rating Bureau will make the recommendations to the Department of Insurance during its annual rate filing in June. The recommendations would have to be approved by the state insurance commissioner. While most workers’ compensation …
Continue reading “Worker’s Comp – Construction Dual-Wage Changes Ahead”
Business Interruption Coverage Can Cover Lost Income PG&E has warned California residents and businesses that it may shut down the power grid for as long as five days for large portions of the state when there are high-wind conditions during the dry fire season. That’s because PG&E’s infrastructure was found to be the cause of several recent wildfires. PG&E sent letters to customers …
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Society has become increasingly aware of the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace. Several high-profile offenders have seen their careers harmed or ended. Employers are beginning to realize the harm this behavior among employees can cause. However, the problem might not be the business’s workers; in many cases, it is the customers. Harassment by customers may occur in any business, but …
Continue reading “What to do When a Customer Harasses One of Your Staff – Growing Liability”
The extension on distributing Forms 1095-B or 1095-C to employees is automatic. Employers don’t have to request it, said Edward Fensholt, J.D., senior vice president and director of compliance services at Lockton, a benefits brokerage, and consultancy based in Kansas City, Mo. “As a result of this automatic 30-day extension, [a different] 30-day extension that would normally be available upon …
Continue reading “IRS Extends Deadline to Supply ACA Forms to Employees”
THE KEY to getting injured employees back on the job and reducing litigation is keeping them engaged and educating them, so they have a better understanding of the claims process and what they can expect from it. Employers that advocate for the injured worker, instead of just giving them the standard booklets on what to expect, can help them heal up …
Continue reading “Keep Injured Staff in Loop to Reduce Claims Costs – Workplace Safety”
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