Worker’s Comp – Construction Dual-Wage Changes Ahead

The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California will recommend dual-wage threshold changes to a number of construction classifications for the 2020 workers’ compensation policy year.
The Rating Bureau will make the recommendations to the Department of Insurance during its annual rate filing in June. The recommendations would have to be approved by the state insurance commissioner.
While most workers’ compensation classes have one rate, in some classes the difference in claims costs between high- and lower-wage workers is so great that a dual-wage classification is needed. In those cases, the workers above the threshold rate are assigned one rate, while those below that threshold are assigned a higher rate. This is usually because the higher-wage workers are generally more experienced and tend to suffer fewer workplace injuries compared to those below the threshold.
There are 18 dual-wage classes, but not all of them are in line for changes. Opposite is the list of changes the Rating Bureau plans to recommend in its rate filing.